Ballet 4: SUN 11:30 (by placement,13-15)
Mini Session 2 only; July 22- August 18
Summer 2024: MINI SESSION 2: Monday, July 22- Sunday, August 18. This class meets once a week, on Sundays from 11:30 am- 12:45 pm during our summer our summer mini session 2. Co-requisites: None during our summer sessions. Recommended to attend 2-3 days per week to maintain strength, and prepare for the return of school year classes. Ballet 4 (approx. ages 13-15) introduces more advanced course work at both barre and center, and requires placement to join. Emphasis is placed on building artistry, utilizing correct muscle groups, and applying correct technique in advancing combinations. While this class is taken mostly in flat shoes, dancers approved for pointe may be asked to do barre and/or portions of center in pointe shoes. This class prepares dancers for future studies in an environment that both challenges and inspires them to excel as both athletes and artists. Ballet 3 is also a pre-pointe level, where work done in class is meant to prepare dancers for future pointe work. Emphasis continues to be placed on alignment and correct placement, musicality, strength, and stretching. Focus is also placed on coordination, and utilizing foundational skills correctly through combination. Dancers learn in an environment that both challenges and inspires them to grow as both athletes and artists. Placement: Placement in our Academy classes considers multiple factors, including age, ability, and previous training. - New dancers to our studio interested in placement, or learning more about placement, please email, or fill our our placement request form here: - Dancers enrolled in the previous session are emailed placements and class recommendations. Please register according to our placement recommendation for your dancer. Tuition: Class has been prorated to reflect where we are in the session- registration is rolling over the summer and does not close, even if the session has begun! A $35 registration fee is included in the total tuition. An automatic confirmation email is sent to you upon registration for this class. The email you use to register is what we will use for all confirmations and studio/class communications! We are looking forward to dancing with you!